When freedom is outlawed, only outlaws will be free!

Welcome to the official website of the GORILLA OUTLAWS MC.

The Gorilla Outlaws are all members of one big & huge hairy family of 9999 individual gorillas.

A collection of exclusive NFTs – unique digital collectibles embedded on the Solana blockchain.

Divided into different chapters, from the "Northern Highlands", "Eastern Lowlands", "Southern Mountainside" & "Western Cross Riverside", even a few solo riders who chose to ride through life solitary but are still widely respected and fully accepted by the Gorilla OutlawS MC (Meta Club). They are all represented and spread across the outer corners of the Metaverse!

We welcome you to the highest in rank!
Most badass beasts on the block.
We present to you...

Gorilla Outlaws MC

Riding the waves of life.

Overcoming fears, exploring their limits, and always pushing to go further in search for unexplored, undisturbed virgin Metaverse land where no primate has ever dared to step foot on...

What binds this community of Gorilla Outlaws together is their free spirit mind that all share one common love...

Riding the waves of life.

All members come from various layers of the metaverse society and are all unique individuals. Their appearance – hairstyles, expressions, hats, accessories etc. – their ranks, and their way of expressing themselves in life...

From serial VC’s – crypto billionaires - extreme adrenaline athletes – tattoo artists - manmade entrepreneurs & business magnates - spiritual & wellbeing Gorilla Gurus – digital/street artists – musicians & even some underground gorilla activists fighting for the preservation of our neighbour planet, mother earth!

Gorilla Outlaws dare to step out of line, to create their own lives instead of living someone else’s. Join this exclusive club and become a member of our Gorilla Outlaws family!


Let’s not make it a secret, apes are ruling the Metaverse!

We accept all other clans; we even know most of them personally and welcome them as our friends. As we see it, we are all part of one big hairy family and on the deepest level, we feel we are all connected through invisible fields of energy. We are one!

Together we are part of a new movement or revolution which is not limited to the Metaverse but stretches endlessly to other worlds, universes, and galaxies. A shift in consciousness you may call it! Others say we are on the verge of becoming a new world order...

With that being said, we are considered the toughest primates out there. The Gorilla Outlaws MC is being recognized & respected by all. We even get invited to exclusive parties thrown by other ape clans, even if it’s just to stand outside the door to make sure no uninvited guests come into their clubs. Because we silverbacks protect our family always, period!


Not only outside the MC we are getting recognized by all, but the Gorilla Outlaws MC holds its own system of ranks within the club as well. This is for members, part of different chapters spread through the Metaverse, to be able to easily recognize each other.

All troops run their own *outlaws only clubhouses* where they come together to plan their next adventures and party like only Gorilla Outlaws can.

Every Gorilla Outlaw has its own unique fingerprint (just like human primates) and holds its own special trademarks. Although these many striking differences in appearance they have one thing in common, they all wear their colours on their big hairy chests and are proud members of the exclusive Gorilla Outlaws MC.

Each Gorilla Outlaw wears their patches on their hairy chest, showing their rank within the hierarchy and the chapter to which they belong.


The Metaverse President holds the authority over all chapters.


The Meta Club Vice President being second-in-command are the leaders of the individual chapters.


The club President’s right hand is responsible to keep order and discipline within the chapter.


Official records keeper, responsible for the finances of the chapter and keeping the books in the clubs.


Responsible for organising the adventure rides & events.


The bodyguard to the President.


Tail Gunners are responsible for riding safely to the clubs & events, thus always riding at the back.


The Ass Kicker doesn’t have a proper description, but it might be self-explanatory.


A prospect is hopeful to get a full club membership, and as such doesn’t have a member’s patch yet. However, they do get to ride with the club and are likely to become full patched member’s after serving a certain probation period and proving to be loyal to the club & its values.


Supporters do not hold an official status but support the club by promoting them and because of this effort have the chance to win lots of special prizes.

Patches Explained

  • GOMC
  • GOMC

    All Gorilla Outlaws where the iconic Club logo. Some where it on their chests, others on their helmets others on their shoulders.
  • FIRST 9
  • FIRST 9


    If you mint a GOMC wearing a patch saying FIRST 9 this means you are the owner of one of the first 9 founding crew members of the GOMC. They are considered the rarest ones.

  • Side Rocker
  • Side Rocker

    Shows the name of the Chapter the Gorilla is member of.
  • Chapter Location
  • Chapter Location

    Shows the location where the Chapter is based


Our club is here to stay. The most important thing for us is giving back to our community. You will read about our goals underneath, but our community will have the final vote of the journey we will make with our brand!

  • Stepping out in the open with the Gorilla Outlaws MC. Early Adaptors get the opportunity to follow our club on Discord, Twitter, Instagram, and register for our exclusive email list. Yes, we have finally arrived for everybody to see!
  • The whole 9999 collection will be dropped on our website. The raffle winners & whitelist will receive an automated announcement & the buying begins. The reveal and open sale will start after 48 hours. Who ever is the first will be sure he wins!
  • Being a holder of a NFT GOMC Original you will instantly receive 3 NFT’s for free. You can either hold them or decide to sell them all which means an instant ROI.

    Besides buying 1 and getting 3 free unique NFT’s which are directly linked to your original one you will have the chance to pick the name for your chapter yourself as well. Yes, you will have your own named chapter and a 3-headed crew alongside, me myself and I just became we.
  • We will host exclusive virtual happenings; networking, concerts, mastermind classes, LAN parties, Movie Premiers, Fundraising, “Get Sponsored” & Investment events. Let’s make it a fun ride for all..
  • We will open a community wallet where a percentage of our generated profit will be stored meant to donate to charitable initiatives. The projects in which we will invest will be fully picked by the GOMC community. Building schools, developing water wells or just plain and simple planting a tree.
  • We will start a Gorilla Outlaws Investment wallet for holders. This means that a percentage of the profits will be stored and used to invest in new projects and ideas. Does the GOMC already sound like a wise investment, as a holder receiving monthly royalties? Please continue reading we are not finished yet.
  • GOMC – 3D
  • Yes after 2 comes 3. Creating some dope ass avatars and merch used in the Metaverse in close collaboration with artists picked by the community. Wherever you go wherever you look it’s the GOMC represented in 3D.
  • GOMC – Multiverse Product House
  • The GOMC will be a multiverse Masterbrand Umbrella Product House. The GOMC being the single moniker, one identity, one value proposition and one tagline. Incorporating the GOMC through brand collaboration with the best brands & products out there in real life.
  • Street Art
  • Health & Fitness
  • Fashion & Appearal
  • Jewelery & Acessories
  • Rides
  • Energy
  • GOMC – DOA GOMCoin
  • The final chapter, or just a new beginning… We rather focus on what’s now instead of what lays ahead. Yet we understand a roadmap shout be in place as investing in us should not be a simple blind bet. That’s why we handover the community the steering wheel, creating our own coin in our mission in becoming a GOMC DAO Ecosystem.

    Yes, you all we are here to stay, and we are here for real!

About Us

We are a few regular guys, just like you. We are not famous, we haven’t been working for Pixar, we are just ordinary Outlaws who mingle with the rest, yet have always felt the need to step out of line and do the fu%k we want and enjoy our lives to the fullest!

If our vision appeals to you and our brand as well. We invite you to


Gorilla OutlawsMC

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How can I buy a Gorilla Outlaw?
  2. You can only buy a Gorilla Outlaw on our website once we officially launch
  3. What will the price be?
  4. The price for presale will be 1.5 SOL
    The price of minting will be 2 SOL + Gas Fees
  5. How many can I mint?
  6. Max 3 per person
  7. When is the reveal?
  8. After 24 hours
  9. What are the royalties?
  10. For every sale, we charge 6% royalties, and Magic Eden - NFT Marketplace charges another 2% commission on all sales, in total 8% commission in total.
  11. How many Gorilla Outlaws are reserved?
  12. We reserved 200 Gorilla Outlaws for marketing events & giveaways
  13. What blockchain is the projected hosted on?
  14. Gorilla Outlaws is on the Solana Blockchain.
  15. Where will I be able to see my Gorilla Outlaw?
  16. Once you have minted a Gorilla Outlaw you will be able to see it by connecting your wallet to OpenSea.
  17. Why Gorilla Outlaws?
  18. When you buy a Gorilla Outlaw you become part of a community but more than that, you will become the owner of a brand. You will experience more benefits in the future, drops, giveaways, raffles, merchandise and more.
  19. How Do I get whitelisted?
  20. Our whitelist is still open, you can check all the info on our discord.